Exploring the Earth Crisis

Thousands of articles, education resources and infographics all about aspects of the climate and ecological emergency.

Impacts of Climate Change and Ecocide

Hundreds of articles, stories and images about human-caused damage to the environment.

Sections include:
Migration and Displacement; Drought and Crops; Extreme Winds; Extraction and Land Use; Pollution; Floods and Rainfall; Costs and Economic Losses; Evidence of Change; Impacts on Culture and Society; Natural Heritage Loss; Forests and Fire; Sea Levels and Coasts; Tipping Points and Feedback; Biodiversity Loss; Insect Decline; Climate Impacts in UK.

Environmental Data and Infographics

Hundreds of diagrams, data and links to evidence about environmental issues.

Sections include:
Basic Climate Science; Food and Land Use; Pollution and Waste; Biodiversity; Future Projections; Geography; Interesting Communicaton; Impacts; Evidence of Change; Causes; and Solutions.

Extreme Weather Experiences

Stories and experiences of people in extreme weather and climate disasters.

Sections include:
Future Stories and Projections; General Climate Experiences; Drought; Extreme Winds; Floods and Rainfall; Fire in Climate Breakdown.

This relates to our project collecting witness accounts & reflections on experiencing extreme weather. You’re invited to contribute to this.

Responses to Planetary Emergency

Several sections about the social, psychological, cultural and economic response to the emergency.

Sections include:
Geoengineering; Nature Connection; Urgency and Long View; Attitudes and Coping Strategies; Climate Adaptation; Climate Health; Climate Movements; Youth Climate Strikes; Love in Time of Crisis; Climate Talk; Play for Resilience; and Climate Denial and Corruption.

Climate Visuals

Pinned from open source image sets about climate & sustainability. Check the permissions of each item at its original source before using.

Over 20 sections including: 
Deforestation; Earth Hour;
Migration; Development and
Solutions; Farming; Recycling and Reusing, and many more. Many of these images link through to sites such as Climate Visuals for you to use.

Climate Basics

Resources that clearly explain the causes and science of climate change.

Sections include: 
Planetary Boundaries; Evidence; Causes; Impacts; Mitigation; Climate History, and resources that give a General Overview of all these.

Climate Books and Stories

Hundreds of links to books, stories and literary articles. Some of these books are also in our library.

Sections include: 
Children’s Books; Resources and Reviews; Ecology; Media Coverage of Climate; Short Stories and Poems; Articles; Novels; Non-Fiction and Science.

You may also enjoy, Climate Art.