Ideas for activism

This is a range of collections with links to projects, activists, campaigns and toolkits on creative activism and protest movements.

Black or BIPOC environmentalists

Images and articles featuring Black or BIPOC Environmentalists

Growing list of activists who are black, indigenous and people of colour. (This is a new list, so suggestions for more are welcome).

Women Environmentalists

Collection of women activists and experts on climate and ecology. Many are from Most Affected People or Areas. Again, this is a new list so suggestions are welcome.

Climate Movements

Links to groups and protests worldwide, though with an emphasis on UK and recent movement history. Suggestions of links to less recent movement history are very welcome.

School & Youth Climate Strikes

Links to youth groups and school climate strikes.

Climate Talks

Ideas and resources for conversations, assemblies and talk.

Ideas for Creative Activism

Examples of creative activism mainly for climate and environmental causes.

Collection of examples of creative activism mainly for climate and environmental causes.

Sections include:
Culture Hacking; Spectacle, Heroism, Change-makers; Art as Activism; Remembrance for Lost Species; Connecting Actions.

Costumes and Masks for Creative Activism

Sections include:
Contemporary; Nature; Old Practices; Climate Halloween.

Climate Art

A huge collection about exhibitions and artists of several genres and artforms.

Culture Declares Emergency