‘Make Climate History’ is coming

We want to make climate change a thing of the past. And to do that, we all need to understand the climate change. So, we are developing a new project: together we explore the history of climate change – what caused it, what proved it and what we can do about it.

We are kickstarting a new project #MakeClimateHistory as part of Norwich Science Festival. And trial events are also taking place with Greener & Cleaner Bromley.

The Warming Stripes represent rising temperatures due to global warming since the Industrial Revolution, the increased consumption of fossil fuels and the harmful uses of land and natural resources. This blue-and-red stripe system was developed by Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading, with a project that uses the hashtag #ShowYourStripes

A Norwich version of the Warming Stripes will be flown on a flag from the City Hall. This version was made by climate scientist based in Norwich, Michael Taylor.

Norwich stripes in an event ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ as part of the Possitopia Festival, Nov 2023

On 23rd February, you’re invited to come along to the Forum, to add your stripes to two displays, one for the past years of global warming and one for the future you want to see.

We’ll have lots of books, experts and a timeline resource for you to explore and chat about climate history. You can add a story to a blue or red stripe, and add this to the mural. And there will be creative materials for you to create a vision for a future year that is climate-safe on a healthy planet. The murals will stretch across the glass frontage of the Millennium Library.

The 23rd February is the Climate and Sustainability themed day of the Norwich Science Festival.

You can get involved already, before the event. You are invited to help us build the #MakeClimateHistory timeline. Can you find more stories to add?
You are welcome to comment in this Google Document to add new stories, corrections and links. http://tinyurl.com/3cv974ns

If you’d like to run your own Make Climate History event as a partner or associate of Climate Museum UK, get in touch on climatemuseumuk@gmail.com

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